The First Day – 20th JUNE, 2016 |
08.30-09.00 | Registration and distribution of conference materials |
09.00-09.10 | Opening ceremony of the conference Rector - Commandant kmdr prof. dr hab. Tomasz Szubrycht (Polish Naval Academy)/President of the Board-Managing Director dr inż. Andrzej Kilian (OBR CTM S.A.)/President of the Board Andrzej Kasprzak (MTG S.A.) |
09.10-10.00 | Plenary session I (Ordered papers) |
Chairman: Rector - Commandant kmdr prof. dr hab. Tomasz Szubrycht (Polish Naval Academy) |
09.10-09.20 | Ordered papers (Ministry of National Defence Republic of Poland) |
09.20-09.30 | Strategic approach to functioning and the development of the naval forces in Poland in the context of the state security (National Security Bureau) |
09.30-09.40 | Ordered papers (Inspectorate for the Navy, General Command of Branches of Armed Forces) |
09.40-09.50 | Capabilities and needs of the Navy-Shipbuilding - a window to the world (Polish Armament Group) |
09.50-10.00 | Ordered papers (OBR CTM S.A.) |
10.00-10.10 | Coffee break |
10.10-11.55 | Session I Naval Combat Systems Naval, air, coastal platforms (Manned)/Armaments systems |
Chairman: dr inż. Jerzy Uczciwek (OBR CTM S.A.) |
10.10-10.25 | K. Prześniak | Polish Combat Management System in the operational program of "Threat Deterrence at Sea". (OBR CTM S.A.) |
10:25-10:40 | C. Urheim | KONGSBERG - the Combat System Partner (Kongsberg) |
10.40-10.55 | J.T. Dobkowski, A. Stefaniak | Electronic Warfare Systems in sea action. Analysis of needs and requirements. Proposals of systems for the PLN ships (OBR CTM S.A.) |
10.55-11:10 | A. Wojtkiewicz | Remontowa Shipbuilding as partner of Polish Ministry of National Defence in surface platform construction under Polish Navy Modernization Program – operational program “Countering threats at sea” (Remontowa Shipbuilding S.A.) |
11.10-11.25 | C. Rubelek | The potential and opportunities of the vessels designs for Polish Navy offered by MMC (MMC Ship Design&Marine Consulting) |
11.25-11.40 | P. Darche | PSIM – Panoramic Sensors and Intelligence Module aboard the Gowind 2500 (DCNS Group) |
11.40-11.55 | J.Ballé | Realising MIECZNIK and CZAPLA based on MEKO® technology in partnership with Polish industry (thyssenkrupp Marine Systems) |
11.55-12.30 | Free time to visit BALT MILITARY EXPO Exhibition |
12.30-13.10 | Lunch |
13:10-14.25 | Session II Naval Combat Systems Naval, air, coastal platforms (Unmanned) |
Chairman: Prof. dr hab. L. Rowiński (Gdansk University of Technology) |
13:10-13:25 | J. T. Dobkowski, A. Stefaniak | Unmanned platforms in MCM operations MCM mission modules (OBR CTM S.A.) |
13.25-13.40 | R. Miętkiewicz | Possible applications of USVs in Polish Navy (Polish Naval Academy) |
13.40-13.55 | W. Abramowicz, D. Filipiak, J. Małyszko, M. Stróżyna, K. Węcel | Maritime domain awareness system supplied with external information-use-case of the SIMMO system (Poznań Univeristy of Economics) |
13.55-14.10 | J. T. Dobkowski, P. Polański, F. Szarkowski | New technologies for detection and countering buried mines (OBR CTM S.A.) |
14.10-14.25 | P. Karcz, M. Chmieliński, J. Zalewski, S. Draga | Comparative analysis of selected unmanned aircraft systems air to the tasks implemented by the Navy (Research Laboratory ZENIT, Polish Naval Academy, Maritime Operations Centre Polish Navy-Maritime Component Command) |
14.25-14.35 | Coffee break |
14.35-15.35 | Session III Naval Combat Systems, Armament systems (Sensors, effectors) |
Chairman: dr hab. inż. Jerzy Garus prof. AMW (Polish Naval Academy) |
14.35-14.50 | P. Selling | The littoral environment and product development (BAE Systems Bofors) |
14.50-15.05 | P. Dobrzyński, M. Gerigk, S. Lipski, B. Machowski | The concept of miniature supercavity rocket-propelled torpedoes for manned and unmanned systems of naval combat (Military University of Technology/Gdansk University) |
15.05-15.20 | J. Stępień | Antenna systems dedicates to mobile naval platforms (OBR CTM S.A.) |
15.20-15.35 | M. Delorme | Key Attributes of Submarine Sonar for High Performance in Challenging Environment (Thales Underwater Systems) |
15.35-15.45 | Coffee break |
15.45-17.00 | Session IV Naval Combat Systems Naval, air, coastal platforms (Manned)/Armaments systems |
Chairman: dr inż. Józef Jakubczyk (OBR CTM S.A.) |
15.45-16.00 | T. Witkiewicz | The possible capabilities of prospective midget submarines (3rd Ships Flotilla) |
16.00-16.15 | X. Mesnet | Technological transfer between submarines - The Scorpène's improvement coming from Barrucada (DCNS) |
16.15-16.30 | H. Söderstedt | State of the Art Underwater Capability – A National Asset (FMW) |
16.30-16.45 | D. Angelopoulos | Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Submarine Designs – the modern deterrent for the Baltic Sea and beyond (thyssenkrupp Marine Systems) |
16.45-17.00 | K. Brännström | Submarine Stealth Capability – an holistic approach to increased survivability and mission effectiveness (Saab Kockums AB) |
17.00-18.00 | Transport to the anti-terrorist and rescue at sea demonstration at the port of Gdynia |
18.00-19.00 | Anti-terrorist and rescue at sea demonstration at the port of Gdynia |
19.00-20.00 | Transport to the European Solidarity Center in Gdansk |
20.00-02.00 | Integration meeting for BALT MILITARY EXPO exhibitors and NATCON conference participants in the European Solidarity Center in Gdansk |