Content of speeches of all speakers will be published as conference materials released on CD.
Papers classified by the Scientific Committee of the Conference to be published in the monograph will be issued in the form of a reviewed monograph on CD.
Paper Guidelines
The papers shall be delivered in an electronic version in Word editor format to the following address: All papers are checked by the Scientific Committee of the Conference for their accordance with the theme of the conference. Presentations of speakers interested in the publication in conference monograph will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the Conference.
1. Paper's format:
- Size A4
- Margins 25 mm
- Single space between the line
- Font: Times New Roman, font size 11 pt.
2. Structure of the paper:
- Name and surname
- Title (of article)
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Main part describing the research methodology and the gained results
- Conclusion (or summary)
- Bibliography
3. Figures:
- Numbered, their width can not exceed 13 cm
- Titles under the figures, font size 10 pt.
4. Tables:
- Numbered, their width can not exceed 13 cm
- Titles above the tables, font size 10 pt.
- Text in tables size 10 pt.
5. Formulas:
- Numbered, written in equation editor
6. Bibliography:
- Standardized and alphabetically arranged, registered in accordance with the mentioned below criteria:
- Author (surname, name initial), Title, publisher, place and year of publication.
(monographs entry)
- Author (surname, name initial), Title, [w:] Title, red. (name initial, surname), publisher, place and year of publication.
(entry of a text in a book with editorship)
- Author (surname, name initial), Title, „Journal Title”, year, number, pages.
(entry for a scientific journal article)
- Author (surname, name initial), Title, name of conference, publisher, place and year, pages.
(entry for a conference paper)
- Author (surname, name initial), Title, holder, number, date.
(patent entry)
(entry for standard)
7. Size:
- (minimum) half of a publisher's sheet
Applied standard:
PN-ISO 690:2002. Documentation. Bibliographical footnote. Subject, form and structure.
In case of using an electronic document in the paper it is necessary to apply an additional standard:
PN-ISO 690-2:1999. Information and documentation. Bibliographical footnote. Electronic documents and its parts.